Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Trying for a record here!

So, I'm trying something new, which will no-doubt fail, but it is worth trying.

Because I am spending so much time and energy on work these days, I thought it might be nice if I also did something other than work the entire time. And because I usually eat lunch at my desk so I can work extra, I thought a quick blog post might be a good way to break up the monotony of my long afternoons. This, then, is the 2nd of my daily posts. Look! 2 in a row! We'll see how long this lasts......

I finished my Citron (2nd one) yesterday. It turned out nice - and I did an extra tier on it, which made it larger. Hopefully I'll have the presence of mind to take a picture of it to post tomorrow. It's in Zauberball - lovely pinks, purples, blacks, and all colors in between. It has not cured my need to get things off my needles. Frankly, at this point I am wondering how many things I need to finish to make that itch go away. So far it's been ripping out a shrug (it was not good), finishing a pair of socks, finishing the knitting on a sweater, the citron, and the aeolian. Oh, and ripping out a sock that had yarn too busy for the pattern. Now I only have a couple things left on the needles: Melon stitch shawl, 2 cowls (one patterned, one not), a pair of socks for Smartest Monkey (the Fiancee Man) , and I think a scarf hiding somewhere....probably in Smartest Monkey's car in case I forget knitting..... oh yeah, and a blanket for the living room that looks like a net and may be abducted into my steam punk costuming.

What I really want: to start a new sweater, DerbyA's derby legwarmers, and a wedding shawl.

I think DerbyA's legwarmers will be the next project I tackle. She's hot and she totally deserves cute legwarmers. Someone restrain me, I'm feeling pom poms coming on......

And that is your daily update the second.
Now back to the salt mines.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Did I mention?

So..... it comes to mind that I haven't written here for about a million and a half years....so I probably never mentioned that I got engaged.


Well, I got engaged. My rediculously awesome boyfriend (now fiance) took me a on a cruise to Alaska and popped the question right in the middle of it. Sooooo, I now have one of the Big-Life-Questions (tm) figured out - I know who I'm lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with. And I am lucky, trust me. My recent bout with food poisoning this past weekend showed me that. After running all the errands I'd asked him to, including going to the grocery store for specific sickie-foods, he came home and made me toast and handed me a bouquet of flowers. Do you know what makes food poisoning better? That's right, getting flowers. I don't know why it works, it just does. It might be magic.

Now I am on the mend, hoping to get a lot of work done today, and hoping to be able to cook dinner tonight. That should be a nice reward for the guy who took care of me all weekend even though he wasn't feeling all that well himself.

And in other news, I finished the Aeolian Shawl from Knitty (well, Knittyspin).
There she is in the picture, knitted out of me-own handspun and blocking cheerfully.