Friday, September 07, 2012

What happened to August?

 Ummmmm...What happened to August? Seems like I blinked and it was gone. I know that it happened, and I have the pictures to prove it, but where did it go? Above is a pic of my kitchen one Saturday in August after I had come in from picking tomatoes.....

 I think I spent my August with tomatoes.....eating them, cutting them up, cooking them, putting them in jars, handing them out to friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Believe it or not, I have finally been convinced that there is such a thing as too many tomatoes......not too many overall, but too many at a time. 

But having too much bounty (if that is actualy possible) forces you to be creative. I made blistered tomatoes in olive oil and spices for people and put them into jam jars.

I cut up tomatoes of all sizes and slow roasted them in the oven with a light coating of olive oil and nothing else and ate them with goat cheese on bread.

I put plum-sized tomatoes into egg cartons left them on people's door-steps. It was a good time. Even better, it was a delicious time.

And then there was the crafting.....
Do you keep a spindle in your purse or bag?

I do.

I had it with me as we waited for seats in our favorite cafe a couple of weeks ago. The day was so bright that when I took this picture it washed out all the colors. My purse spindle is covered with teal. The teal has moments of green, white and black, with a little angelina and magenta thrown in. When I do the other half of this's going to be magenta with the other colors making cameos. Whenever I get through both, I'm going to ply them on my spindle.

Purse spinning takes a long time since I only pull it out when I have occasion, which usually adds up to 30 seconds to 3 minutes at a time. It's an exercise in patience.

Speaking of which......want a little sneak peak on something else I finished in August? Well, here you go. This is the bottom of my Icarus Shawl - knit as a nursing shawl for one of my friends.

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